jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Program to check connection speed

Optimizes the speed of your Internet connection
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game logic

The cannibals and missionaries play in the page

clic in the image

It should go with the missionaries cannibals by side (A) and side (B) of the river, avoiding the numerical advantage of the cannibals on missionaries:

C: cannibals
M: missionaries

1. 1C and 1M spent on the side A to side B
2. 1C is the low returns next 1M A low M and assembled 2C
3. 2C pass from the side A and side B is low 1C. C is returned to the other side A
4. C is low and rises from the side B 2M
5. 1M is low and rises again from 1C andalusia side A
6. C is low and rises 1M, go back to the side B
7. 2M down and climb up the side and passes 1C A
8. 1C climbs and passes getting off to the side B 1C
9. Goes to the side to climb back on the other hand C B ...



You must pass the basket, the sheep and the wolf from point A to point ba except:

C: Basket
D: sheep
L: Wolf

1) Spend the O from point A to point B
2) you return and spend C from point A to point B
3) You return to the O to point A
4) O let the raisins and the L to B
5) will bring you back to point A and the O's going to point B

Congratulations you pulled it...